Following the recent findings of the MakanDay report, uncovering allegations of nepotism, corruption, and biased grant allocation in the distribution of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) funds in Livingstone, the council has taken the decision to dissolve its CDF Committee. Demands from residents for increased transparency and accountability in fund allocation have driven this move.

At the centre of these allegations is Member of Parliament and Minister of Tourism, Rodney Sikumba, whose family members and close associates, predominantly linked with the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) party, are purported to be the primary beneficiaries of CDF grants, loans, and scholarships.

The disbanded CDF Committee was chaired by Christopher Siamwenya, the UPND district Chairperson for Livingstone, who also served as Sikumba’s campaign manager during the 2021 elections, which saw Sikumba transition from a tour operator to an MP.


The CDF committee consists of various members, including two community representatives appointed by

the Member of Parliament (MP) and a representative of the chief. Furthermore, out of the three councilors serving on the committee, one is nominated by the MP. The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development appoints the remaining members.

Operating under the regulations outlined in the Constituency Development Fund Act No. 11 of 2018, the CDF committee adheres to its prescribed mandates. Among its responsibilities, the committee reviews project proposals originating from the wards. Additionally, it is tasked with formulating and presenting a comprehensive project roster to the local authority for subsequent submission to the Minister of Local Government.

Allegations of favoritism in CDF allocation

In Livingstone, Sikumba faces accusations of appointing family members and associates to the CDF Committee, purportedly leading to the preferential allocation of projects, grants, and loans within their inner circle.

When questioned about these claims by MakanDay, Sikumba denied any wrongdoing, declaring his unawareness of his family members and close associates accessing CDF funds.

Confirming the dissolution of the CDF Committee, Livingstone City Council Spokesperson Melvin Mukela informed MakanDay on Saturday that the tenure of the office bearers had concluded. He further revealed that the

Member of Parliament (Sikumba) was expected to nominate new members for the Committee."

“Yes, it (CDF Committee) was dissolved because its tenure of office has come to an end,” Mukela responded to a WhatsApp query. “The MP is required to appoint new members of the CDF Committee.”

The familial ties

Several individuals closely associated with the minister have been granted CDF contracts, including Yvonne Sikumba, the MP's sister, who secured a contract to construct a Maternity Annex at Maramba Clinic, and Santos Kandundwe, a close family friend, who also received CDF grants.

Innocent Mwiinga, another close associate, was awarded contracts for projects such as the construction of Mwandi Police Post and the supply of school desks. However, he failed to fulfill his obligations, raising significant concerns regarding accountability.

Furthermore, the discovery of a carpentry workshop at Sikumba’s late grandmother’s residence in Livingstone’s Nottie Broad, where desks are being produced, adds another layer of suspicion to the situation.

Livingstone resident Thomas Daka expressed frustration, described the CDF as a tool for the UPND to distribute government funds among its members, making it inaccessible to those not politically connected.

MakanDay's investigations revealed considerable obstacles for residents not politically aligned in accessing CDF funding, with bureaucratic hurdles and favoritism posing significant challenges.

Instances of favouritism toward the ruling party, illustrated by underperforming suppliers with political affiliations, raises doubts about the integrity of the CDF allocation process. This highlights the pressing need for the implementation of transparency and accountability measures.